Thursday, October 6, 2016

PT Evaluation

With our family planning to move soon, I wanted really good, current evaluations done for Chelsea so that we could bring those, along with her IEP, to the new school district. Also, we met our deductible, so I want to get as much out of our outrageous insurance prices as possible!

The Preparation
I answered the same questions as I did when preparing for the OT Evaluation, as well as wrote up a brief history of Chelsea's physical therapy history- official PT treatments (duration of visits, location, therapist), and things like adaptive skiing lessons, and special needs gymnastics.

The Evaluation
I loved the guy who evaluated Chelsea! You could tell he loved his job and the kids he worked with. We worked on:

1. Stretching. Chelsea is VERY limber, and the PT was impressed with her flexibility, and noted that there wasn't any hypertension. He also had her do some simple movements to look at her range of motion

2. Core Strength! This was tested by having Chelsea sit on a yoga ball, and the PT would push her back, and she had to sit back up. He was great at making this fun, like putting toys on the floor and she had to go get them by leaning back and returning to sitting.

3. Core Stabilization. The PT bounced Chelsea on the ball, had her lay on her tummy on the ball and do a puzzle (on a nearby table at her height), and catch balls while she was sitting on the yoga ball.

4. Playground Work! This was so much fun! We went outside and he assessed how well Chelsea did with staying seated while sliding and not tipping back, climbing stairs, etc. She excelled here- we go to the park almost daily, so she gets tons of practice! The PT called her "No Fear Girl"!

5. Balance Beam. Chelsea walked on a balance beam to retrieve puzzle pieces, then place them into the puzzle on the opposite side of the beam. We also worked on jumping off a small platform with both feet, because Chelsea usually steps off when trying to jump.

6. Adaptive Bike! This was our favorite part! She tried out the cutest adaptive bike ever, and loved it! Her feet actually stayed on, she didn't slump or climb off, and was excited to pedal! She tried really hard, and was able to pedal once the trike was moving, but couldn't get it started all by herself.

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