Sunday, October 9, 2016

Please Understand

  • Please understand that even though I love this child with every cell in my body, there are still so, so, so many hard days, and I cry that my child has to struggle so much

  • Please understand- I don't post about my child's meltdowns on social media; I want people to think well of my child. So you may say "She seems so normal/ happy/ I didn't know anything was wrong!", and it is because I don't broadcast it

  • Please understand that when I do post about my child's struggles, I often get flooded with private messages critiquing my parenting. Please don't add to that

  • Please understand- I know it makes people uncomfortable when I talk about my child's special needs, but also that I do NEED to talk about it, just like you need to talk about your struggles

  • Please understand that it can be hard for me to hear you say that you wish your child would just sit down and be quiet. My child has never said "I love you, Mommy" to me, and I would give anything in the world to hear her sweet voice

  • Please understand that this is a burden I will carry for all of my life. I can't dream about the freedom after all my kids leave the house. Have you ever hoped that you will die after your child, because you worry that much about them being abused and not being able to care for themselves? I have.

  • Please understand that because I have been through so much, I have a greater capacity to love. I have become a better person

  • Please understand that even when you do give me support (which I desperately need), I also need the support of other parents who are walking the same walk- other SATB2 parents.

  • Please understand- I know it is easier to get along with my other child(ren). They are easier to engage, and they understand and respond. But my SATB2 child wants to badly to be included, and if you don't know how to interact with them, please ask. I promise I won't be offended- I love when people want to play with her; she needs friends so badly

  • Please understand that I may be a person who needs to share a lot, or I might be a person who is more private. Everyone copes in their own way, but even if I am not very public about it, I still struggle sometimes and need support

  • Please understand that I am under a LOT of stress. My marriage is probably struggling, and it is next to impossible to pay for everything my child requires, and I fight insurance, and the government, and the school for every penny worth of services.

  • Please understand that I will never give up on my child. EVER. I will fight, and fight, and fight again, then yet again. Please be my friend, and love me. I need support when I feel like I can't fight anymore, but know in my heart that I will get up the next day and fight the same fight. Because my child will ALWAYS be worth it!

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