Monday, March 11, 2019

700% Mom Days

I am a firm believer that people prioritize what matters to them. And you see people who do incredible things because they set their mind to it and give 100%!

I have a cousin who has done a phenomenal job of eating right, working out, and he looks amazing! He really put his mind to it and has achieved some very aggressive physical goals! He is truly inspiring!

I have another friend who has the happiest family I have ever seen. Seriously, they are always smiling, she and her husband are always goo-goo eyed over each other, and they are so stinking cute!

There are so many inspiring role models I see that I would love to emulate! 

But now, I run into a recurring problem. 

I want to give 100% to my kids- to teach them, love them, and play with them. I want them to be happy and emotionally well-adjusted.

I want to give 100% to my husband- to support him, love him, and keep our marriage strong, because the vast majority of families with special needs kids involve divorce.

I want to give 100% to my special needs girls- to do therapy, make sure they have a better tomorrow, are taken care of and happy.

I want to give 100% to my gifted son- to encourage him, help him manage his emotions, to challenge him and keep learning interesting.

I want to give 100% to making my house a home- having it relatively tidy, meals cooked, with floors vacuumed. (because a messy house= an emotionally messy me, and babies eat crumbs)

I want to give 100% to my physical fitness- to finally lose those last 10 baby pounds, to feel healthy, to be strong and be able to keep up with my kids. 

I want to give 100% to maintaining my own sanity- taking time for myself, having a hobby, being a good role model for my kids. 

That is 700% y'all. And that doesn't even include a full-time job that many moms have! Or my church work, or volunteering, or taking care of changing air filters or getting that alignment done on the car. 

I wish I had some awesome advice to give on how to manage everything. 

But I don't. 

Sometimes there is no dinner made, and we have cold cereal, and I wonder if my children will grow up to have dreadful eating habits.

Most days in the last few months, I haven't made it to the gym because I am too exhausted physically and emotionally from managing three kids who are all very, very high maintenance in their own ways.

But that is okay. I do my best, and I'm sure that everyone out there does too. 

Even when we have bad days, we know that tomorrow is a new day, and we can get up and try again. 

That on the day when we need a break, when we end up watching some completely pointless tv show and sneakily eating the kids' Halloween candy, we can say "Today I am recharging." knowing that tomorrow is another 700% day.

And we will continue to give 700% every day, because that is what we moms do

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