Friday, July 20, 2018

What Real Love Is

I recently read a little clip that talked about what real love was. That is wasn't just buying chocolates or flowers for someone. That is was really about sending texts to say I love you, pausing a movie to ask about their day, or kissing in the rain. 

I disagreed. While it was very nicely written, this seems like the juvenile infatuation, not real love.

Here is what I feel like real love is:

1. It is the dad that works two jobs for years without end to pay for his child's therapy, and rarely gets to do anything for himself.

2. It is the mom who gets no sleep for years because she is so busy researching her child's condition, advocating, and cramming all the housework into the 3 hours a night that her child will sleep

3. It is the child that adores their special needs sibling and sees them for who they are, regardless of level of ability.

4. It is calmly going in to clean up yet another poop smearing incident

5. It is loving that special needs child regardless. You may never hear "I love you" back, but you still love them

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