Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What is the K-SLP method?

I am a super big fan of Nancy Kaufman and her method of treating Apraxia of Speech! It has worked wonders for Chelsea's speech progress. So- what does it entail? What is this mystery method?

When we first started speech therapy, we did the PROMPT method, which helps the child learn to make sounds. Once your child can imitate sounds, they can start the K-SLP method. 
Nancy Kaufman

What does K-SLP stand for?
K-SLP is Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol. It means taking a child's ability to produce a few sounds, and expanding it until they are able to produce language

What this method DOES:

1. Targets specific sounds and words, and has the child build a sound inventory, eventually leading up to the correct production of a word

2. Uses the natural environment for speech therapy- NOT just pictures and cards

3. This is highly motivating and engaging for the child! If they don't like speech therapy, something is wrong!

4. Models correct language, even if child can't imitate it yet. Reward their best effort, but YOU say it right!

5. Uses multi-sensory cues to help child remember how to form mouth/ tongue placement to make a specific sound. (meaning: say it correctly, use a visual cue, and use tactile helps to assist child make the right sounds)

6. Repetition, repetition, repetition!!! Practice the sounds/ syllables/ words so often that it becomes engrained in their muscle memory!

7. Set your child up for success. Provide opportunities so your child can speak and feel understood, which will further motivate them to continue speaking

8. This method relies HEAVILY on parent involvement. If you want to send your kid to speech twice a week for half an hour, their speech will not improve. You MUST practice at home!!!

What this method is NOT:
  • Do not expect that if you get the K-SLP flashcards, your child will magically start talking.
  • If the SLP is only drilling the flashcards in therapy, that is WRONG!!!
  • This isn't a quick fix method. There will be a LOT of practice involved! At speech and at home! So if you don't want to put in hours upon hours each week/ month, this isn't the method for you

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