Thursday, April 11, 2019

SATB2 Baby Cruising

One goal we have really been targeting with Lily is building up to walking, and that means- CRUISING!!!

We were so excited that she learned to crawl quickly, and then we hit a little bit of a plateau in gross motor development. But we got some new ideas, and here are some things we do to get her ready for those first independent steps!

Basically, this means that we get her up and standing and moving along furniture as often as we can! 

A great motivator for Lily is the bathtub! She loves moving over to the running water, and get rewarded by playing with the water. 

This will mean push toys (NOT the walkers that they sit in) to develop muscle memory for walking

This will mean letting the baby cruise on EVERYTHING- stairs, beds, couches, the wall, whatever is a good height. I really like this table at her early intervention class- they roll balls around on it, and it has foam padding to prevent injuries and the balls rolling off. 

Make it motivating and fun to stand! Anything that encourages them to stand up- against a toy, to spin toilet paper wildly and gleefully out of control- totally worth it to develop those skills!!!

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