Friday, January 5, 2018

SATB2 Recommended Tests

After your child is diagnosed with a genetic syndrome, one of the first questions is, "What tests and evaluations should we get? What therapies will we need to do?" We want to know how to help our kids! 

So super fast, here is a brief run-down of all the best tests and evaluations.

Dr. Zarate, the leading SATB2 researcher, put together a list of recommendations on the official SATB2gene website

He recommends:
1. Genetic evaluation. (Obviously) 

2. Neurological evaluation (do an EEG and MRI). 

3. Physical Therapy evaluation (and therapy sessions). 

4. Occupational Therapy evaluation (and therapy sessions). 

5. Developmental Evaluation (for behavior treatment plan)

6. Neuropsychological Evaluation (test for IQ, etc) 

7. Speech Evaluation (and therapy sessions) 

8. Craniofacial Evaluation (cleft palate repair if needed)

9. Gastrointestinal Evaluation (to assess feeding issues)

10. DEXA scan (to test for osteopenia, may need treatment)

11. Dental evaluation (take x-rays, create dental care plan)

12. Ophthalmologist Evaluation (eye doctor, because several of our kids have lazy eye or 'typical' vision problems)

That was quite a list, wasn't it?! But wait, the moms of other SATB2 kids also gave recommendations for what tests they found most useful/ helpful in addition to Dr. Zarate's list of evaluations. 

1. Blood panel to test for vitamin deficiencies 

2. Meeting with a nutritionist to develop a dietary plan

3. Otolaryngologist (Ear/ Nose/ Throat doctor) has been helpful for many parents

4. Allergy testing

5. Cardiologist (I haven't met with one, but other moms have!)  

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