Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Preschool Day Cowboy Theme

This is always one of my favorite theme days- partially because I am from Texas, and partially because it is just so fun! Who doesn't love a good cowboy story? I love pretending to be cowboys with the kids and trying to find the varmint who has been poisoning the watering hole, or whatever other plot we think up! 

·        Outing- Ride horses

·        Movie- Toy Story or Jasper’s Cowboy Wish

·        Stories- Bubba the Cowboy Prince, Cowboy Camp, Saving Sweetness


·        Songs- I’m a Little Cowboy, One Little Two Little Three Little Cowboys

·        Letters- Make a large foam cube with cowboy “gear” (hat, spurs, boots, rope, chaps, vest), and roll it. You then have to guess what letter that sound starts with

·        Numbers- Count spots on your cattle (use plastic animals or pictures)

·        Gross Motor Game- Use a hula hoop to “rope” a cow or hunt a villainous bandit on a walk around the block

·        Snack- Cactus blossoms (raspberries), Cowboy trail mix (nuts, raisins, M&M, pretzels)

·        Science- Pan for gold

·        Color/ Shape- Name colors for cowboy gear as we dress them up! (or use Barbie cowgirl)

·        Art- Paint sandpaper cactuses green

·        Interactive Game- Ride rocking horse, play cowgirl barbies, ride Mommy horse and say Giddyup (also good for balance!)

·        OT activity- Write our names and trace cowboy words

·        Vocab/ Phrases words- cowboys, pistol, holster, sheriff, posse, bandit

·        Receptive Language- Dress the cowboy! Have a paper cowboy (or just a man) printed off, and cutouts of cowboys clothing. Have the kids take turns matching the clothing part to where it goes on the cowboy. Also have the kids say what clothes they have on that part of their body (so cowboy is wearing chaps, I have a skirt. Cowboy has a vest, I have a shirt)

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