Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Car Kit

The BEST thing I made for our 3 day cross-country move was... a car clean-up kit!!! Seriously, it saved my life multiple times! Chelsea usually throws up about an hour after starting out in the morning, so it was so nice to have all these things in one spot and ready! Here is what I brought:

1. Extra clothes! I put an outfit for each of my kids, and two for Chelsea. During a road trip, I really don't want to dig through the kids' suitcases for a new set of clothes, so I have one ready and waiting- underwear, pants, shirt, socks, everything! I also put in pullups as a precaution
Roll tight and rubber band to save space

2. Carpet/ Upholstery Cleaner with brush. I think this Woolite cleaner is my favorite cleaner in the world!!! So easy and quick to use! And used every day on the trip!

3. Water, washcloth, wipes, paper towels. I have two small bottles- one for drinking and getting the nasty flavor out, the other to use for cleaning purposes, along with the washcloth, wipes, and paper towels.

4. Air freshener, for obvious reasons. You could get the car air freshener ones, I just like these scents of these, and I roll them under the seat or stick them behind car seats.
5. Plastic bags. One for trash, one for clothes, one extra because better safe than sorry.

6. Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash. Throw-up taste is truly horrendous, and I have tons of extras from every time we go to the dentist anyway. I also tossed in a pack of gum, which works well for Chelsea- she doesn't "get" the concept of gargling yet.

7. Quarters and some laundry detergent. We stayed at motels that had a washing machine, and it was HEAVEN!!!! Chelsea always threw up on her special blanket, so this was a lifesaver! After the kids fell asleep at 8pm, I would stay up until 10pm, cleaning out the car while I waited for the washer and dryer to be done.

8. Hairbrush and hairties. Any time Chelsea throws up, she starts thrashing around in her seat, and it always makes me feel better to have my hair pulled back and out of my face, so I threw in an old hairbrush.

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